
A Perfect Saturday morning...

This week has been Spring Break, but it's been full of lots of hours in the car and studying. Two tests on the Monday we get back should be a line in Alanis Morrisette's song "Ironic." Don't you think?!? So I'm crammed all of Spring Break into one glorious Saturday morning.

We got up and went to the gym for a run.

We came home, made our coffee and omelets, and ate breakfast together.

Then we (meaning me, Charlie, and the dogs) all crawled onto the bed. I got to catch up on all the shows I missed this week. Charlie was doing some research for his paper that he is presenting in London this summer. And the dogs curled up and slept. No surprise there.

I'd say that's makes a pretty perfect morning. Except I can't say that, because now it's 3:12 p.m. :-)

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